Saturday, September 7, 2013

Competent Communicator

A very outstanding communicator that demonstrates competent communication skills to me is Pastor Doug Batchelor. His context is that of preacher and writer. He is President and Speaker/ Director for Amazing Facts. He is also author of several books including the “Richest Caveman” and “The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene.”  Why did I choose Pastor Doug Batchelor as an outstanding communicator? Unquestionably, he is quite an appealing speaker who interacts well with his audience. He is very clear, articulate and meticulous in his presentations. His thoroughness when explaining Biblical principles reveals a depth of understanding of very complex issues relating not only to the Word of God but also to human experiences.
His effervescent, honest, and humble personality traits are also significant to his success as a communicator. To me, he is not only a preacher but an excellent teacher. I have found myself adopting some of his principles to my own teaching styles. For example, he is always finding some “Amazing Facts” to highlight his teachings. This is a very effective tool that I love to use especially when I am teaching science to my pre-k classes. These kinds of additional facts that Pastor Batchelor has utilized within the context of his preaching/teaching style have distinguished him as not only unique but very resourceful. This is how I would like to be. Resourceful, energetic, honest and articulate, I want my parents and students to receive this legacy and carry this into their communities as competent communicators.
At this point I wish to leave this about Pastor Doug Batchelor from:
"Today, Pastor Doug Batchelor is an energetic speaker of vision and deep spirituality, with an unusual ability to communicate not only to church-oriented people, but also the secular-minded. His spontaneous, lively humor and down-to-earth approach to living the Christian life engages and reaches hearts in a way that few others are able. As president of Amazing Facts, he can be seen on national cable networks and heard on more than 125 radio stations across the United States. He is also becoming increasingly popular around the world by those who see him on international satellite and cable stations"

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