Saturday, August 24, 2013

Professional Hopes and Goals

My journey through this course has been a very exciting one.  As I continue to work with children and families who come from diverse background, it is my hope that I have lit the candle of understanding about the importance of diversity, equity and social justice. It is my hope that like me, our children and their families will be learning to create caring, loving relationships in their communities in which they live. Thus as each family expands the knowledge of care for everyone who lives in that community whether they are different or similar, the rippling effect will be felt and it will be lasting and genuine. Then, and only then would we as early childhood educators, have accomplished our goal for truly educating the next generation.
            One goal that I am willing to set for the early childhood field in relation to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice, is that we as educators should all work to break down the walls or prejudice, stereotypes and biases that we ourselves have about others. This goal is a lifelong one to which we are committed for as long as we live. Thus as each person pursues this goal he or she has to take responsibility for building and maintaining positive relationships with others.
At this point I want to say thank you to Dr. Snider and my fellow colleagues for helping me on this journey of understanding on a deeper level about diversity, equity and social justice. I am positive that I have emerged better equipped to deal with issues of diversity that I never knew existed or even understood. This was a very unique class in which we have all shared our personal identities that were not known to others and we were never made to feel afraid to bare our souls. All the best to everyone as we become the true advocates that we need to be to make this world a great and safe place for our children to develop holistically.


  1. Sharon, it has been so wonderful reading your post this class. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. When we work together to build a better tomorrow it can be achieved with hard work and dedication to young children.

  2. Thank you very much Brooke. I have indeed learned a great deal from your postings too. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Hope to see you in our next class.
