Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

Week # 4 Blog Assignment: Sharing Web Resources
One of the exciting news/information that I need to share from the UNESCO  website is the Latest Education News that is coming from Bangkok; UNESCO dated March 25, 2013. I am particularly drawn to this news because it seems as if it is becoming universally known that while there is a need for students to keep abreast with what is happening in the world globally, and while there is also the need for students to be “literate, numerate and to be problem solvers, there is the world emphasis on being socially and culturally competent in order to work with others.
This resource made me think that we cannot view education in terms of how much profit or returns we can get back out of it but we have to view education, especially for our early childhood learners as something that they will enjoy and that someone they will become later on in their adult lives.
Therefore, for economists, neuroscientists or politicians to support the early childhood field effectively they need to be more aware of the skills that the children need to be successful and to become citizens of this universe.
As I explored the website, I recognize that the conversation of what should constitute true education will continue to be a worldwide topic to produce a “generation that cares” and as Gwang-Jo Kim, Director of UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education reiterated at the opening of the 16th UNESCO-APEID International Conference held from 21-23 November 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand and I quote:
 “There is no question that we have to produce generations of people who are highly capable,
skilled, innovative and resourceful. But we strongly believe that our fundamental
responsibility – as policy makers, leaders, educators, parents and community members
– is to produce people with hearts and people who care.”

At this point I wish to share the latest news on Vox Pop: What are the three most important skills a child should learn for your perusal.

Vox Pop: What are the three most important skills a child should learn?

25.03.2013 UNESCO Bangkok Director, Gwang-Jo Kim, said in his recent interview: “One of the greatest challenges for education systems today is keeping pace with a changing world of work and equipping youth with the skills they will need in an increasingly knowledge-based economy.
“[This] calls for creative and inventive thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, the ability to generate new ideas, adapt to new realities and maintain a sense of curiosity throughout learning,” he said.
UNESCO commissioned 2012 Education for All Global Monitoring Report, which focuses specifically on the issue, noting that the challenge of ensuring all young people have the opportunity to acquire the skills they need has sharpened acutely since the year 2000.
But what skills are the most important? What skills should we all be learning today?
Participants at a recent Asia-Pacific Regional Thematic Consultation on Education in the Post-2015 Development Agenda shared their views on what are the three most important skills young people should learn.

Urvashi Sahni, Study Hall Education Foundation, India
“Children should be thinking critically about who they are and how they relate to their world around them, in a social and political perspective with a focus on peace, equity and sustainable development. They must be learning how to be literate and numerate, be problem solvers and be resilient.”

Vutha Lay, NGO Education Partnership, Cambodia
“They need soft skills to be good citizens, vocational skills for employment and basic education to equip them with knowledge.”

Sikander Sabeer, National Youth Movement for UN Post-2015 Development, Sri Lanka

“Firstly, they need to learn about culture – culture is a kind of glue, it keeps us together. It’s like tea with sugar – it creates flavour and the colour we need. Secondly, values and respect. Do we respect our parents and elders enough? Are the gaps here increasing? We need to keep in mind that education comes from home – our families are the first “teachers” in our lives. They are crucial to us so respect and values are important. Thirdly, history – we should know our past so we can improve our future.”

Govind Singh, Council of Pacific Education, Fiji
“For a child to work across a huge spectrum of life, they will need life skills, core values and the opportunity to unlock the treasure within.”

By UNESCO Bangkok






  1. The early childhood years sets the foundation for how children will begin to perceive the value in their education. By making it fun and engaging helps children to develop a love for life-long learning which will in turn help our future society. Taking away the element of engagement and fun just to start preparing children for the future workforce to help our economy is not the right idea. Children need time to develop a sense of who they are and how to get along with others. It is our jobs to help make sure this happens in our programs. :)

  2. Very good and informative post. I need to take a look at your website, because I have never heard of unesco before you introduced us to it during this course. Their are so many websites and resources for early childhood professionals to use to further their professionals that we don't even know about. Thank you introducing this one to me. One comment you made in your post was priceless which stated, "Economists, Neuroscientists and Politicians need to become more aware of the skills that children need to become successful". Very well put. I don't think most people higher up on the educational scale of things truly understand what children need and how they learn. Early childhood education professionals that spend hours in the classrooms which are the teachers are the ones that understand how children learn that is appropriate for their development and age level. Great post.
