Saturday, April 6, 2013

Global Children’s Initiative- New Insights on Early Childhood Systems from Harvard University.

Week # 5 Blog Assignment: Global Children’s Initiative- New Insights on Early Childhood Systems
Great things are happening on the Global scene as we gain insights from the Center on the Developing Child from Harvard University on the Early Childhood Systems. This Center which was founded in 2006 had deeply wedged in its foundation the belief that “the vitality and sustainability of any society depend[ed] on the extent to which it expand[ed] opportunities early in life for all children to achieve their full potential and engage in responsible and productive citizenship” Please click on the link to enjoy your tour on the Global Children’s Initiative Activities from Harvard University.  
Therefore, with this foreknowledge, Harvard University is now working collaboratively and assiduously with every available resource and affiliates to not only produce, translate and apply scientific knowledge to improve the well being of children in the United States, but also to enhance the lives of children throughout the entire world.
            Three of the most important insights that I have garnered about the “Global Children’s Initiative” are that the Initiative is focused on three strategic objectives which are outlined as follows:
1 .To reframe public discourse about the early childhood period by educating high-level decision makers about the common underlying science of learning, behavior, and health;
 2 .To support innovative, multidisciplinary research and demonstration projects in selected countries or regions to expand global understanding of how healthy development happens, how it can be derailed, and how to get it back on track; and
3. To build leadership capacity in child development research and policy among individuals and institutions in low- and middle-income countries in order to increase the number and influence of diverse perspectives that are contributing to the global movement on behalf of young children.
The second insight that I have gained is that in the area of early childhood development the center hopes to successfully adapt the work conducted in the United States to include a wider selection of audiences that would be calculated to serve the purpose of invigorating and “re framing the global dialogue around investments in the earliest years.”
The third insight focuses on the heart of the Center’s Mission in this Initiative and that is to provide an array of educational and training activities which will focus on building a “sustainable infrastructure to support the productive engagement of Harvard students and faculty in a diversity of global settings.”
The additional information about issues of equity and excellence that I have acquired from the Center on the Developing Child – Harvard University is the work that they are doing in Brazil. At this point I will include the website for your perusal on the work being done in collaboration with Brazil to improve Early Childhood Systems.
Please click on the link above and enjoy the tour.


  1. Wow it sounds like the Children's Initiative at Harvard University is doing great things to change the early childhood education field for the sake of the children around the world. By continuing their work, Harvard University is going to make great strides in the lives of children. With expanding their program into other countries, those countries are able to learn about healthy development for their children and the lives of children with be forever changed. Great post.

  2. It is wonderful that the Children's Initiative at Harvard University understands the importance of early learning on a child's lifelong developments. Being an advocate for creating leadership and how information about children is being displayed publicly in reference to early learning can only help us as educators to ensure the message about education is being sent to all families. I look forward to learning more about this initiative in your future posts!

  3. Colleagues:
    Thank you for visiting my blog. As we continue to learn more about healthy development and early learning, I am sure we, as educators, will be like a tower of strength for families and their children as their knowledge expands.

  4. Sharon,
    I also chose the Center on the Developing Child Global Children’s Initiative to me it stressed the importance that in times of crises around the world that attention must not only be on immediate survival but the long-term effect of the crisis on the children. The Center is always a valuable resource that I use quite often. Helping to build an effective dialogue and understanding globally is a wonderful undertaking. Thanks for sharing your insights.
