Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Start a child on the right path while he is young and when he is old he will not forget what he has been taught." Proverbs 22:6

This quote is especially meaningful to me because of the underlined truth it expresses. A child rightly trained from 0-7 years rarely forgets the principles he or she has been taught. The values I now treasure in my adult life can be truly traced back to the heritage that was bequeathed to me from early childhood. This does not mean that I never had problems to deal with or that I never made mistakes, but through them all, I have found a bulwark from the memories of early childhood training to help me. Hence, this is why I am so passionate about early childhood development. Our children need the skills and strategies to help them grow and develop in a society that is taking away their childhood.


  1. Thank you for sharing that scripture. I am going to frame that and hang it in my class

  2. I truly enjoy your posts and agree with your ideology. I believe the Bible proves itself to be true. The new imaging technology in neuroscience demonstrates how the brain will act and react to form pathways with repetitive experiences. There is a window of opportunity to train up your child and these windows provide a timetable to strengthen specific skills and attributes. Saying what the Bible has said “Train up a child in the way it should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.
