Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss

This book is very captivating. Its title is etched in the minds of everyone because everyone is wondering why green eggs are being served with ham? Is it that the eggs have gone bad? What are these eggs and ham a symbol of? Why is the speaker so persuasive in wanting to get Sam to eat that which he doesn’t like? These are just some of the questions that race in your mind as you follow this persistent salesperson trying to wear down his client not only to purchase but to partake in the “green eggs and ham.”
I also love this book because it is filled with rhymes and it is easy to read. Most of my pre-k students have remarked that this is the best book and it helps them to learn to read. It is the first book they pick up when in the classroom library. They even know it by heart after a while!


  1. I love, "Green Eggs and Ham" I love to read it to my pre-school class all the time. Its fun to read the story and then actually eat green eggs and ham. They love it.

  2. We also read Green Eggs and Ham and the children love the rhythm of the book.

  3. I love this book, too! I would read it wither on Dr Seuss' birthday or on St Patrick's Day and then we would make green eggs and ham. The students were stunned to see the eggs turn green but said, "...they tasted just the same as their mom made the yellow ones. " What fun! Thanks for sharing especially about the rhyming. I believe these are the best books to get students started in rhyming because we all know nursery rhymes are going by the wayside.
