Sunday, September 9, 2012


Making a Difference: Even in Adversity.

I am Mrs. Sharon Munroe, a teacher who holds a Post graduate degree in Education. I have been called to serve as a teacher of English for over thirty years at the high school level, middle school level and now at the pre-kindergarten level as a lead teacher. I firmly believe that I have been called to serve at such a time as this when the challenges to make a difference in the lives of our children are becoming almost insurmountable. We as educators have to hold tenaciously to our calling as change agents within our society.  My calling to be an early childhood specialist came after the birth of my granddaughter who is now six years of age. Her growth and development has helped me to recognize that the early years of children’s lives pass by so swiftly and if they are not fully rooted and grounded emotionally, socially, educationally, and spiritually, they can and will face many difficulties that can and will tear them apart.

One of the many challenges that our children face today is the growing influence of the media.  As an educator, I believe we should help our children to understand that the media is one of the many powerful tools in their lives that they need to control and manipulate for their educational development. As the influence of the media grows, we discover that our young pre-k babies would rather spend time before computers and other games rather than learn to say their ABC’s. With this challenge in mind I plan to answer this call and go back to the basics of education- back to when children use to learn using rudimentary resources, Imaginative play  among other things to aid their development  and not to just sit behind computer screens  participating in “educational games” that have been commercially prepared for them. This is indeed a challenge! I know that I will have to continue learning. This is my reason for pursuing a Masters in Early Childhood Studies at the Walden University. I know that with a great deal of perseverance I will succeed to make a difference in the lives of my students. One of the challenges with this online program will be to navigate the computer to read and type. Blogging may also be difficult. However, I am not daunted by it because it too is a tool that I need to maneuver for success.


  1. Sharon,

    This post is truly inspirational!

    Dr Longo

  2. I would have to agree with Dr. Longo. I am inspired!


  3. Hi Sharon,
    I am also impressed and inspired by your words! It is amazing to meet so many dedicated Early Childhood educators who truly have a passion for the children and for what they do. You are one of these people!

    I was just speaking with some fellow professors last night about how we use to play as children and how the children today do not know how to play. I am a big one on play theory and development and would love to see classrooms get back to that imaginative play. I remember learning so much about a student just by watching their play and interactions with others during that play. Keep moving forward in the direction you are going - I think we all feel the same as you do!

