Saturday, August 17, 2013

Welcoming Families From Around the World

The name of my family’s country of origin is Israel. I have always been fascinated by what I have heard and learnt about Israel. My interest in Israel has been piqued too by what I have read from the stories in the Bible and from ancient and modern history. Their cultural diversity is one of interest too. I would love to know how children are treated in that culture and if women enjoy any rights and privileges.  Israel is also home to the Dead Sea and its capital, Jerusalem hosts many world-famous sites that I am looking forward to hear about from my guests.
The five ways that I would prepare to be culturally responsive towards my family from Israel are:
1.      Communication- it is very important for me to know some basic words/language structures, gestures that are not only appropriate but that which will allow “meeting and greeting’’ very amicable and smooth for all of us.

2.      Food Preparation- I will, after researching, try to prepare the best way possible some dishes that would be delectable from Israel and my country so that at meal time we could encourage conversations about the meals.
3.      Sleep Time- This is very important for all persons and should be respected. Hence, I would find out from my guests what time they are accustomed to go to sleep and seek to honor this as far as possible so that the child and family can be well rested during their stay.

4.      Traditions and Customs- It would be incumbent on me to be educated about how they worship, what they are accustomed to do doing family gatherings and their favorite sports/games that children play.

5.      Incorporating family in my school activity- I would invite the entire family to be guests in my classroom. This would be a fun-filled day for my students. However, before the arrival of my Israeli family, my students and I would prepare ourselves and the class to welcome them. We would have a time set apart for them to do any performance of their choice that would be comfortable. We would also perform them too. We would also hope that our class would be given the permission from the administration to allow our Israeli family to tour our school and to participate in all the activities for the time of their visit.

It is my hope that this kind of celebration of another family’s culture would expand our worldview on Israel and my country. We would also get a chance to dissolve our stereotypes and biases even from embracing one family. Why? The extensive preparation and research that I would have to do would facilitate me looking away from my own family and self.  This kind of sacrifice is an important component to me as I seek to know about others. The students in my class too will be gaining an understanding and experience that I believe would change their lives forever. Finally, as my Israeli family departs from our shores, I believe that they would take back the good news that we were genuine cultural ambassadors to them.


  1. Traditional dishes! What an awesome idea…that would definitely make a child feel more at home. It is vital to do research prior to the families arrival to make their transition easier.

  2. Sharon,

    Great ideas!!!! I listed similar things to prepare for the arrival. Ensuring I create a welcoming environment and showing their culture is respected and welcomed makes the transition so much easier.
