Saturday, October 20, 2012


Core Values
Standards of ethical behavior in early childhood care
and education are based on commitment to the following
core values that are deeply rooted in the history of
the field of early childhood care and education. We
have made a commitment to:
• Appreciate childhood as a unique and valuable stage
of the human life cycle
• Base our work on knowledge of how children develop
and learn
• Appreciate and support the bond between the child
and family
• Recognize that children are best understood and
supported in the context of family, culture,* community,
and society
• Respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each
individual (child, family member, and colleague)
• Respect diversity in children, families, and colleagues
• Recognize that children and adults achieve their full
potential in the context of relationships that are based
on trust and respect

                                 Ideals- NAEYC. (2005, April).
  • I-1.3—To recognize and respect the unique qualities,
abilities, and potential of each child.
  • P-2.13—We shall maintain confidentiality and shall
respect the family’s right to privacy, refraining from
disclosure of confidential information and intrusion
into family life. However, when we have reason to
believe that a child’s welfare is at risk, it is permissible
to share confidential information with agencies, as
well as with individuals who have legal responsibility
for intervening in the child’s interest.
  • I-3B.2—To do nothing that diminishes the reputation of
the program in which we work unless it is violating
laws and regulations designed to protect children or is
violating the provisions of this Code.

  • We shall demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, and honesty in all
our professional activities in order to inspire the trust and confidence of the children and families
and of those with whom we work.

  • We shall honor and respect our responsibilities to colleagues while upholding the dignity and
autonomy of colleagues and maintaining collegial interprofessional and intraprofessional

  • We shall use every resource, including referral when appropriate, to ensure high quality services
are accessible and are provided to children and families.(The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August).

 The above mentioned ideals are significant to my professional life because they attest to the integrity, honesty and respect that must characterize the professional/practitioner's life as an early childhood educator. These ideals will help to be our "checks and balances" as we seek to be transparent in our lives.We will also hold our standards high remembering that we are helping to shape the future generation. I must also note that I have used this blog to include the Core Values that I really want to remember for future references.

Article: NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

 Article: The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August). Code of ethics. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


  1. Sharon,

    I really enjoyed your post. You, Robin, and I share the belief that not just our children and families should be supported and respected. We owe the same courtesy to our colleagues/co-workers because the more effective they are, the more effective we can be. The efforts made in our field complement one another, a win for a co-worker is a win for us all.

    Annie P.

  2. Sharon, I also believe that colleagues/co-workers can be an invaluable support. It is important to have a team of co-workers that you can depend upon; it makes for a much more productive and satisfying work environment.

  3. I do want to thank Colleagues Annie and Druesilla for their posts. I believe that enough respect is not given to the teaching profession and the professionals who are working not only in the early childhood field but in all aspects of the field of education. We must work together to hold each other up. This is done in the medical profession so why should it not be done in education the first and foundational field for all? Once again thank you.

  4. Sharon, it is true tha professionals should be confidential when dealing with children's record.However, not many of them are playing that role. For example, a child might be HIV positive, and if that information is disclosed,and everyone gets to find out,the child will be treated with scorn, be it from teachers, or classmates.Even some parents will not want their children to sit next to, or even play with the child. So, the onus is on the teacher to educate these individuals.This is a real life experience.

  5. Sharon, I was extremely grateful for your support and encouragement over the past eight weeks of this course. Thank you for being available for me as I waded my way through. Our postings and comments assisted each other in developing the highest possible of the Early Childhood Education. from my work , I have helped to develop new skills in colleagues in building their confidence where they could have worked effective,y and efficiently. Knowledge is power and it was shared so that the group worked together learning from each other's views and ideas. I wish you all the best in your endeavours and continue making your way towards your goals despite challenges.
