Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Note of Thanks and Support

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
Fellow colleagues:
 Words cannot express the joy that I have found in this course! I must say that it is indeed hard just to choose two of my colleagues. Therefore, I will first say that all have contributed to my professional growth and have expanded my knowledgebase in the field of early childhood and it is my deepest desire that we will all finish the program together.

I am truly appreciative that you have encouraged, and watched over our progression so that we could safely make it to the end of this course. Your insightful comments have deepened my understanding that advocacy doesn’t have to start from the top. It does start from where you are and that it broadens as our resources and connections expand. I do hope that we will meet again in another course.

Annie Paraison:
What sparkle you have exuded in this course! I do hope to continue learning from you. It is my desire that you will continue to be “a keeper of the flame” in the early childhood field.  We know that we cannot save the world but if we can make a difference in the lives of many children we would have fulfilled our mission on earth. It was very providential that we have met and I am sure this is not our last meeting. Keep on running the race to meet your goals and I am sure with your passion and professional personality it will not only be the children, but adults as well who will benefit from your outpouring, generous heart.
Joanne Lynch:
What an encourager you have been throughout these eight weeks! I am sure that we will continue on this journey to its end. I have been encouraged by your posts to not only remember that I am a professional educator but that it is also my responsibility to protect the children from harm and abuse.  Abuse and neglect have become so rampant that we as professionals must truly become vanguards and protectors. Thank you, Joanne for your posts each week. 

 Dr. Denise Love:
"Childhood is a journey, not a race" (Author unknown). I have been inspired by this post so much and I wish you all the best in your profession as you continue to enlighten teacher professionals on their intellectual journey. Thank you for keeping us informed with up-to-date information on the role of play in the field of early childhood and as you advocate for this, you will be successful l in your advocacy. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


  1. Sharon- You have been a wonderful supporter of my blog and my posts. I thank you for all of your comments and wish you well in your future endeavors. God Bless

  2. Sharon, I just want to thank you again, and I am wishing you, as well as all my colleagues in Group 2 the best. Everyone made a contribution to one's development. I do appreciate that.

  3. Sharon,

    Thank you for your kind words. I will do my best to make your words a reality.
    Heartfelt thanks!!!

    Annie P.
