Friday, June 28, 2013

When I Think of Research...

Blog Assignment Week # 8 – A Reflection on my Experience
There are many insights that I have gained about research from taking this course. However, the three most outstanding ones that I wish to emphasize are: data quality, equity and ethics. When I think of data quality, I am reminded of how critically important it is for the researcher to be accurate, consistent with the data resources so that there is reliability and viability which is “establishing the truth of the research outcomes” (Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe, S.A., & Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010).
In the light of equity, the aim of researchers is to ensure that they are going beyond what is equal (Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe, S.A., & Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010). The challenge of equity is to be able to do what is fair and just. Thus whether the field of study has sought to utilize quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods approaches for analyzing the data collected, it is essential that the information and solutions sought will serve fairly and justly and without partiality or bias, the children, the families, the people and the society the researchers want to uplift.
Ultimately, as researchers strive for equity, they have to move towards leveling the playing field especially when considering early childhood research. Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe, S.A., & Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010, p.186) in summarizing the role of equity state that “ensuring that research activity reflects the diversity   of particular groups being studied is a particularly important equity consideration and research activity, therefore, needs to appreciate the heterogeneity of participants in research projects”(p.186).
An understanding of ethics is of vital importance to research considerations since ethics directly impact “the rights and well-being of all those who may be affected by the research” (p.365). In research connected with children especially, everything needs to be done to ensure that they are safe and before they can become participants in any research program, informed consent must be obtained from both parents/guardians and children alike. No child or children should be charmed into participating in a research project and “out of respect for the privacy of the participants, confidentiality [must be maintained]” (p.77).
The nature of doing research has helped me to understand that we have to be sensitive, honest and fair. Each step in the research process is guided by a “set of feasible, practical research procedures” (p.117). My ideas have changed because I must remember that I am no longer “imagining an ideal study, but I am concentrating on the complexities of real research, with real people, in real settings and with real limits on resources” (p.117).
In the areas of planning, designing and conducting research in early childhood, I have gained greater understanding about the complexities of the processes. Teaching and learning are no easy feats. Therefore, I am better prepared from this knowledge to know how to utilize collaboration and the growth or evidences from research. I am better able to make informed decisions in a more equitable way on how to improve educational opportunities especially for marginalized and under served children and their families.
Challenges that I encountered came in the form of deciphering new terminologies and reading the materials on research and follow sequentially on how to develop the research simulation. However, with the help of Professor Myers and my colleagues’ insightful posts, I was able to make the connections as I immersed in the research processes.
As a result  of this course, My perceptions of an early childhood professional has been strengthened and as an early childhood advocate, I now realize that I must have keen insight when using research as a tool. I must continue to be an avid reader, ensuring that I pay closer attention to details and as I continue to go above and beyond the call of duty, I pledge once more to be the best I can be for my students and their families.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Myers and All my classmates for their sterling contribution to my understanding of this course. Once again, I wish everyone success in this Masters Program and I look forward to working again with everyone. Thank you very much.

Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe, S.A., & Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010). Doing early childhood research: International
perspectives on theory and practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


  1. Dear Sharon,

    I certainly appreciate the work of early childhood researchers and their efforts to support the work of those of us who are in direct care. Our field becomes stronger and more professional because of their work. I wish you luck in your continued pursuit of your Master's degree.

    Betsy Carlin

  2. Sharon,

    I agree that my perceptions of an early childhood professional have been strengthened and we have been provided tools to apply as advocates for young children through this course of study. It is wonderful to have reliable research to validate the importance of our profession as early childhood educators. I also wish you good luck with all your future endeavors.

