Saturday, June 8, 2013

Research Around the World

Blog Assignment Week # 5: European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA)
What are some of the current international research topics?

On this International website, some of the topics being researched include the following:
“Revealing the interactional features of learning and teaching moments in outdoor activity” written by Jane Waters & Amanda Bateman, and published online May 24, 2013
“The business of childcare in Europe” by Helen Penn and published online May 01, 2013
“Parent Partnership and “quality” early years services: practitioners’ perspectives written Michelle Cottle & Elise Alexander and published online April 20, 2013
One outstanding topic that I liked very much was “Foundations of character: methodological aspects of a study of character development in three to six year old children with a focus on sharing behaviors.” In this research, it is stated that the researchers, James Arthur, Sacha Powell & Hsing-Chiung Len conducted the “major research project involving five separate studies, mostly multi-method, looking at different aspects of character development in different age groups in different populations.”This results of this research was published online September 10, 2012 and it now has open access to anyone wishing to view it.

 What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?
EECERA is an independent, self-governing, international association which promotes and disseminates multi-disciplinary research on early childhood and its applications to policy and practice. EECERA is a non-profit organization, wholly-owned and subscribed to by its substantial and influential world-wide membership. It generates its own revenue, receives no external funding and thus ensures its independence, radical attitude and innovative openness
EECERA seeks to sustain and develop the rich tradition of European early childhood thought, the legacy of Pestalozzi, Owen, Froebel, Steiner, Vygotsky, Piaget, Malaguzzi and other pioneers, whilst looking forward to encourage the exploration of new paradigms, methodologies, concepts and applications in the ever-changing context of early childhood studies. Its reach and interest is resolutely international and, whilst wanting to identify with Europe’s pluralist and diverse cultures, it is open to learn of, and to share in, the equally rich early childhood traditions and concepts of the World.

What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?
The EECERJ, the Journal of EECERA, is one of the most prestigious early childhood journals in the world. It is one of only four early years journals indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information.

For further information on this website we can access the following web link:

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