Saturday, February 16, 2013


Blog Assignment
My Supports
Having checked the Webster’s New World College Dictionary (Fourth Edition) for the meaning of support, I have chosen the following meanings to write about “My Supports.” Support means to carry or bear the weight of, keep from falling, slipping or sinking, hold up, to carry or bear, to give courage, faith or confidence, a person or thing that supports and a means of subsistence.
My family is my first leg of support, and my husband bears the weight of the support that I need especially in the area of driving. Yes, I have learned to drive, yes I have a driver’s license but I do not like driving. I pray for him every day that he will always be there to be my support. I do hope that I will get over this fear of driving one day. In the meantime I love to travel on the train and the bus although I know that these may not be the safest way to travel all the time.
My daughter is my next line of support with anything that is technologically challenging for me. Hence, whenever I ask for help in navigating the computer, I have to be prepared for the lecture on how to use the computer without asking for so much help. Although I am learning –slowly but surely, I certainly would not want to lose my family members at all. These are people in my life not only for the support that they can give, but they are special because they are a part of your life force.
I have certainly built up a network of support at my workplace to help me with knowing how to do cope with the stresses of the work environment. These are persons with whom you laugh when the going gets rough to meet deadlines, when photocopying is to be done and the bulletin board is to be decorated and there is no one to climb up on the ladder to help you and here comes one of them to your assistance. Thank God for good friends and coworkers who will “keep you from falling” both literally and figuratively. I believe that I cherish these people in my life. There is a saying that I have learned from a child that I am willing to share here about friends/good support. It states: “Good friends are better than pocket money.” I believe this to be so true because the money cannot provide all the time the kind of emotional/social support that you need from people.
The challenge that I am scared to think about that I do not have at this time is that of being confined to a wheel chair and being blind. I know that physically I would want people who care about me to be there. I would especially want the emotional support of my two daughters and my granddaughter and practically I would want to learn how to support myself with probably my own precious dog and wheel chair to give some semblance of independence.
In writing this blog, it has really hit home hard to my heart how important it is truly value everyone and everything that has been my support in life and I pause at this time to give God thanks for even the tiniest hug from one of my students.


  1. Sharon,
    It is so great to have such a supportive network of family and friends at home and work. It certainly makes all the difference and I am one who believes true friends will always be there no matter what the circumstances because they care. I liked the saying you posted, "Good friends are better than money", this is sooo true. I wish you the best in health, love and support always.

  2. Thank you very much Liz, for visiting my blog. It does make all the difference to know that there are people who care about each other still left in this world who will continue to be supportive.I believe that this is a quality we need to inculcate in our children continuously. Once again, thank you.

  3. Wonderful post. It is actually nice to know that you looked up the word suppport in the dictionary to know what it means. I learned something new today. It sounds like your husband is a great supporter of you. Your right that good friends are much better that money. Money is nice but it doesnt last forever and true friends last forever. Yes showing our children how much we care and support each other, will teach them and help them grow up in a world that supports each other.

  4. I am glad that you mentioned your work place in your post. Most people do not realize how important work place resources and people can be especially with all that we do and go through during the day.

  5. Sharon,

    I enjoyed reading your blog this week. Your supports like mine are very personal; family.What more can you ask for, if you have family and especially family that is there for you to help when needed. Not many of us can be thankful for work environment support, but it sounds like you also have a few buddies that you can call and depend on when the going gets tough, thank God for that, because we all know the educational field gets rough at times.
    I wish you the best in the rest of your endeavors and Pray that you give your fear of driving over to the Lord and let HIM have his way with you on that issue. Take your time and listen for HIS directions.

  6. I am glad that you have supports at home and at the work place. Having supports at both will help you to be more successful. You are more likely to be successful at your job if you have good supports there.
