Saturday, January 19, 2013


Relationships/partnerships are important to me because I believe that human beings cannot exist outside of a relational experience. We are social beings endowed with gregarious personalities whether we choose to believe it or not. We also know that there is a built in interdependent mechanism inside of all of us even if we sometimes think that we need to have a break from our relationships.
There are several people with whom I currently have positive relationships. They include my husband, two daughters, my mother and grandchild and my friend, Anita.
My husband and I have a positive relationship based on love, praying together, and working together for the advancement of each other. We have committed ourselves to stick to each other despite any difficulties that we may face in our lives.
My relationship with my two daughters, mother and grandchild is built on love, dedication and sacrifice, trust and commitment. We have been able to maintain this relationship because we know that in our family we must remain faithful even amidst adversity and disagreements.
My friend, Anita and I enjoy a relationship based on frankness, honesty, and truthfulness. Anita is also my prayer partner. We have dedicated our lives to pray for the success of our children and other members of our extended families and the children that we teach. She is also my encourager. Whenever I feel overwhelmed with problems, Anita is the first friend that will say that you cannot give up now.
From my experiences overtime, I realize that relationships /partnerships cannot grow unless we trust each other, respect and see others as better than we are. When our relationship is built upon the aforementioned qualities, there will not be anything that we will not do to make sure that the other person succeeds.
The special characteristics of my relationships that make them into partnerships are the fact that we enjoy being in each other’s company, the fact that we love to laugh with each other and above all we enjoy open communication with each other. I have also discovered that with my personal relationships, I am willing to invest time, intellect, self, love and understanding to make these relationships thrive and survive.
As an early childhood educator, it is the same willingness with which I have approached my profession. For me, whatever gifts I have to build relationships or partnerships, I will effectively and actively give to ensure that my own family, friends, and the families and students with whom I work, succeed.


  1. It sounds like you have a wonderful support system with you friends and family. It shows that you carry your wonderful personality over when you are teaching the children at your school. Your post is very heart warming and helps me understand and realize that i need to put more into the relationships and partnerships that i have in my life. Thank you and God bless you.

  2. Thank you Lindsay.You and I have certainly connected from the heart.I truly like your comments and I know that from your posts you are genuinely making a difference in the lives of your children and parents. Thank you for taking the time out to visit my blog and God bless you too!

  3. Sharon, I love your blog post. I see that you have been blessed with wonderful supportive individuals who will stick by your side through the good and the bad. I especially can appreciate the fact that you said Anita (your friend) is your encourager; because now adays people are always worried about allowing the next person to be better than them, instead of working together and encouraging them to be all that they have been called to be!

  4. Sharon,

    I enjoyed reading your blog. You seem to have a strong group of people supporting you. You have strong relationships. People can learn a lot from you.

