Saturday, March 15, 2014

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

The three local or state organizations or communities of practice that appealed to me include the following:

1. The Center for Child Protection and Family Support- Education Trainer/Supporter against Child Abuse
Since 1987, the Center for Child Protection and Family Support has been committed to promoting healthy children and families. Their mission is to ensure that children are given the opportunity to mature and develop within a family free of maltreatment and a community that is nurturing. This mission truly appeals to me because it is my belief that whatever we can do to prevent children from experiencing and living through traumatic experiences, we should do it. For this program I would want to work as a valuable contributor/supporter financially and otherwise to “keep vital programs operating with educational books, therapeutic supplies, program materials and professional staff services” (

2. Save the Children - Director, Policy & Advocacy, Early Childhood Development
“Save the Children gives children in the United States and around the world what every child deserves – a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When disaster strikes, [they] put children’s needs first. [They] advocate for and achieve large-scale change for children. [They] save children’s lives.”

This is indeed a dream opportunity to work in the nation’s capital as an early childhood advocate working in the capacity as The Director of Policy and Advocacy for Early Childhood Development (ECD). I [would be] lead[ing] the lobbying strategy for Save the Children’s ECD campaign, an effort to significantly increase federal, state, and local government investments in high-quality ECD programs, including universal pre-k, with the ultimate goal of making such programs available to all children in need in the US. My role would include lobbying to develop strategies to reach the Executive and Legislative branches at the federal level and in targeted cities/states around the country, creating opportunities to broaden relationships and to build consensus around advocacy in support of increased investments in ECD among other duties.

The skills and experience that I would need would include a Master’s degree in education, policy, or related field. This is strongly preferred. I would also need At least 5-7 years professional experience with increasing responsibilities in Congressional and administration outreach or directly within these branches of government. It would also be a plus to have experience with local and/or state based lobbying campaigns. A strong familiarity with the legislative process, including both authorizations and appropriations processes would make me a stronger candidate for the position along with senior level experience and engagement in US education policy. It is highly recommended too that I have experience working particularly in the education sector with established networks and contacts within senior Washington governmental and nongovernmental policy circles. Finally, a familiarity with education coalitions and policy making apparatus is desirable. Retrieved from

3. The District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) Office of Specialized Instruction (OSI) - The Deputy Chief, Division of Early Childhood
The DCPS Office of Specialized Instruction (OSI) aspires to be the district of choice for students with disabilities. [They] are committed to serving our students with disabilities:
• By providing high quality instruction and services;
• As close to home as possible; and
• In the timely and consistent manner they deserve.
This area of work is very appealing as it requires the candidate to be passionate about “closing the achievement gap and ensuring that every child, regardless of background or circumstances, receives an excellent education and as the deputy chief I would be responsible for all early childhood programs in DCPS. Overall this Division has three main bodies of work:
• It is the center of implementation of Head Start programs in DCPS, including the School-wide Model approved by the Federal Head Start Office.
• It determines the instructional direction for DCPS as it relates to 3, 4 and 5 year olds.
• It oversees the Early Stages Center, which is the special education diagnostic center for early childhood students throughout the District, regardless of whether or not they are enrolled in school.

The skills and experience needed to competently fulfill this role include a Bachelor’s degree and 8-12 years of related work experience. However, a Master’s degree and specific experience in early childhood, including Head Start and special education are strongly preferred. Any previous exposure to or experience in the education sector would be a plus. Retrieved from



  1. I enjoyed exploring possibilities this week when looking at agencies. I don't see myself as someone looking for a career change but it was fun fantasizing about it for the blog assignment this week. Thanks for your post and maybe, just maybe I will polish up my resume to submit to Save the Children, just to see what might be possible :)

  2. Katy,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I would say to make a go for it! You do have the skills and the personality. Once again, thank you for visiting my blog.
    Sharon Munroe.
